How To Make Soldering Paste At Home
After being applied to the printed circuit board the paste is passed into the pick and place machine.
How to make soldering paste at home. You want to melt the solder into a nice big blob. I used the toaster at the highest heat broil setting for 40 minutes. Antioxidant solder Silver solder Solder paste.
You dont need to be too precise with applying the solder paste. Make sure to wash your hands after making the soldering iron due to contact made with toxic materials. The stencil allows you to apply solder paste only in the areas you want.
This easily dissolves even at a temperature under 180 C. So it is a very simple method from which you can easily make a liquid solder flux. Solder circuit boards is corrosive and can not be used to sold electronic components and printed circuit boards.
Tymm writes - Hot airhot platetoaster oven soldering with solder paste are generally much easier than soldering by hand for circuits with more than a Skip to content Search. There are two main steps involved in the reflow soldering process of PCB. To make this kind of thermal paste you need 4 teaspoons full of a mint or cool fluoride tooth paste it may not possess grits in it.
Be careful when using the soldering iron to avoid starting a fire or burning yourself since it heats to about 400ÂșC. Never place your homemade soldering iron on the bench to prevent possible damages. I just squirt a blob from a small syringe of paste bought mine from Chipquik with the needle removed mash it around a bit with the spatula to spread it out and then the spatula across the holes making sure they all get filled.
DangPro shows you how to create your own solder flux. In previous videos we compared different types of commercial flux but did you know its possible to make a simple and effective flux at home. A solder paste stencil is used to guide the paste into the areas where it is needed.