Hzd Thunderjaw Tips

Tied the first Thunderjaw down with the ropecaster.
Hzd thunderjaw tips. Steps to Adding Weapon Modifications. You cant pick these up but making it so the thunderjaw cant shoot you with its facelasers just feels like a good idea. When the T-Jaw follows you away tie it down with the Ropecaster then collect the Disc Launchers and unload on the beast.
Freeze arrows against other targets to make them more immune to damage. Load 2 tear arrows sharpshot bow requires doubleshot skill and fire your initial shot at the end of the Thunderjaws tail. This removes its most high damage and difficult to evade weapon.
The massive Rockbreakers are some of the biggest Machines in the world of Horizon Zero Dawn almost rivaling the mighty Thunderjaws in size. Have a quick chat with him then head to Ourea who gets you started on the mission proper. Talk to Aratak and Ourea - Arataks optional.
Use Aloys triple shot skill if you have it unlocked. But dont worry were here to help with a list of tips and tricks for ho to survive your adventures as the ultimate bow-wielding badass Aloy. Here are their objectives and some tips on how to finish them quickly.
Logpile Trial Use logpile traps to kill machines. When you pick up the weapon you must aim immediately L2. Spam it until the Thunderjaw falls.
Reach the Cauldron Door - After a bit of huffing and. It looks almost like a huge T-Rex but its attacks are fairly telegraphed. Choose which Modification to equip as desired.